Welcome to group sitting in shanghai!

After create an account succesfully, please be patient to wait for the old student verification.


The registration system only open to the OLD students with the tradition of S.N.Goenka.

If you have account but can not register , it may mean that you are not certified as an old student yet. You may contact with 13524084017 (WeChat also available) for help.

Please do not register more than one account with the same mobile phone number and the same birthday, that will make your account invalid.

This site is provided as a registration service for vipassana old students who has completed at least one ten-day-course as tanght by S.N.Goenka.【切换到简体中文

You may set up your account by providing your information of your first course.

There are group sitting every week in Shanghai, you can register for this group sitting on this site.

Be happy!

For assistance, please feel free to call or WeChat 13524084017.
